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Friday, December 17, 2010

Beaded bracelet finished!

I followed a Nancy Cain's Jeweled Links pattern from Beadwork magazine and I am very pleased with the results. Making each component was a breeze but it took me awhile to figure out how to link them together but it was totally worth it. I will be wearing this for New Year's!

Teal Necklace

Another necklace finished! I like how teal and amber complement each other.

I am now going to finish a seed bead bracelet I started during the summer but stopped when I ran out of beads. I will share it when I finish it.

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Raku Necklace

This necklace was very popular and so easy to wear with jeans or anything blue or gray. The beads are made with cobalt blue base and raku frit and then encased. Love the blue/green hues.